
Mobile & Web Development

Anything related to Mobile, Web and application development or application maintenance and migration.


Hire a Developer

Do you want to hire developers? Our team of coders will work as part of your existing team to help you on projects.


Help & Support

Contact us for any Help & Support you need from us for any existing service provided by us earlier. We are happy to help you.

Contact us

Let's discuss your case and how can we help you

Thank you for your interest in K S Infotech services. Please provide the following information about your business needs to help us serve you better. This information will help us to serve you better. You should receive a response within 24 hours.

Office Address

604, Vini Elegance, Borivali (W), Mumbai, India

Our Telephones

(+91) 97 98 99 11 22

Our Emails

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